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Mar 1, 2021
USD/CHF may bounce into midyear
Since early January, although, it has continued to weaken vs more cyclical currencies such as GBP or AUD, the US Dollar has started to...
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Dec 21, 2020
The US Dollar probably remains weak into late Q1
When we last wrote early November, we outlined our long term bullish scenario on risk assets and especially on the main equity indexes...
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Sep 1, 2020
The USD should remain under pressure until late Q3, perhaps even into Spring next year
• The EUR/USD exchange rates may have plugged a secular low in March on our long term bi-monthly graph. At least, the configuration...
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May 2, 2019
The Yen and the Copper to Gold ratio may be signaling a short market correction
Since rates bottomed in mid-2016, the Dollar has been pro-cyclical. This was especially true during H2 2016, and during most of 2018....
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May 1, 2019
The US Dollar and the USD-Euro interest rate differential
Since US long term yields started to correct down last October, the US Dollar has stalled. US long term yields are more volatile than.......
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May 1, 2018
Flight to quality – Where’s the best place to hide?
One thing we can say about the early February financial assets sell-off is that it was difficult to find any place to hide. Equities...
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Jan 8, 2018
The Dollar is getting ready to bounce, European markets could outperform in Q1 2018
In whishing you our best wishes for 2018, we will start our contributions this year with the US Dollar and its influence on the...
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Nov 1, 2017
Dollar/Yen should consolidate into November and then accelerate up again towards 2018
From its lows early September, the Dollar/Yen has followed risk assets and interest rates up in their recent rebounds. This positive...
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Jun 8, 2017
Euro strength will return towards year-end
The Euro could take a Summer break, yet it remains in an uptrend towards year-end...
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Nov 1, 2016
EUR/USD – toujours sous-pression pour l’instant
Quand nous écrivions il y a un mois, l’accord d’Alger de l’OPEP n’était pas encore acquis. Nous pensions alors que le pétrole devait...
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